My API is failing in Swagger/Postman yet working properly in Run & Debug.
I had various errors including divide by zero, so as troublehooting I stripped it all down to simply a single JSON input (with one key-value pair) and a return result of the same unmodified input variable. There is nothing in the function stack. Same problem, works properly in Run & Debug (the input is returned), but fails in Swagger which returns an empty even though I submitted data. Swagger response body does not say Null, just shows a pair of quotation marks.
If I then configure the input variable field Nullable as "not allowed" (yet still pass data), it works correctly in Run & Debug but now fails in Swagger with the error "missing param". This happens for both Json and Object input types, but not others.
Am I missing something basic here? Or is something broken that it works in Run & Debug but not in Swagger or Postman.
This is working:
And this is failing in Swagger with same input: