R1.59.1 Patch Release (May 31, 2024)

Fri, May 31

πŸ”„ Realtime Updates

πŸ’¬ Message History

We've loved seeing how you are using Xano's realtime functionality in your applications! For this release, we've enabled message history for Realtime channels, allowing you to choose how many messages to store and recall in channel settings.

Previous messages will be delivered with a new realtime event called 'history', which you can enable when connecting to a channel via the channel options.


Previously, you were instructed to provide a single authentication token which would act as auth for both your Xano APIs and the realtime connection. To provide more flexibility for secure implementations, we have separated this into a separate option called realtimeAuthToken. This includes a new setRealtimeAuthToken function that you can use to designate an authentication token specifically for connecting to Realtime.

It is vital that you change to using the new realtime auth token option by July 1, as it will at that time become required to connect to Realtime. Your current implementation will continue to work until that time. If you need to generate different authentication tokens for Realtime connections (such as one without extras), you will also need to update any function stacks that generate those tokens to return an auth token specifically for realtime. If you don't, you can just supply the same auth token for both values.

🌊 Connection Hash Refresh

We've added an option in the realtime settings panel for you to rotate your connection hash at any time, if you have a need to do so.

πŸ’Έ Database Connector Pricing

We've lowered the monthly cost of the Database Connector from $99 to $29. This applies to all paid plans that currently have access.

If you currently subscribe to the database connector add-on, you will need to head to your Billing screen and proceed through checkout again for the change to take effect.

πŸ› Run & Debug inputs persistence

Inputs for Run & Debug are now persistent, which means that if you navigate away from a function stack and return to it later, the inputs you used last will be retained for further use. This is especially helpful when testing function stacks that don't have defined inputs, such as a webhook.

The data is session-based, which means if you close your browser or log out of Xano, the information will not be retained.

🌱 Branch Name Environment Variable

You can now reference branch names in your function stack with a new environment variable (similar to auth, headers, etc).

We hope you enjoy these updates! Let us know what you think below.

We are already hard at work on the next Xano release! Have a feature request? Submit it here.