R1.59 (May 22, 2024)

Wed, May 22

πŸ“² Realtime (Websockets)

At long last, Realtime has arrived! Realtime in Xano enables you to build realtime, always-open connections as part of your application's backend with no code. It's as simple as enabling it from your workspace settings, adding some permissions, and you're ready to go! Use Xano to power live chat, instant notifications, and any other use case you can think of.

We've also added a new Realtime Event function for your function stacks to enable even more dynamic integration of your existing and new business logic with your realtime connections.

This release also includes Realtime Triggers which allow you to execute a function stack every time a message or event is sent through your realtime implementation.

Realtime is currently in beta, so please share your feedback with us!

πŸ“„ Documentation

🧠 Database Vector Support (pgVector)

Vector embeddings have come to your Xano database! Using the new vector embeddings field type, you can store embeddings for use with ML and AI models to interact with data in your Xano database.

πŸ“„ Documentation

πŸ“€πŸ“₯ Data Source Migration

Managing multiple data sources gets even easier today. We're introducing the ability to copy data from one data source to another in just a few clicks.

πŸ‘Ά A brand new onboarding experience

We're always trying to find new and better ways to introduce Xano to new users (or re-introduce it to returning users). With that, we have built an interactive onboarding tutorial designed to walk you through creating a database, building an API, and transforming data all in just a few minutes.

πŸ“ Internal Documentation Tools

While your APIs will always be auto-documented with our Swagger documentation, you may have a need to write some custom documentation or notes that live right alongside your function stacks. We've added a new section to the settings of APIs, tasks, and custom functions to let you write quick documentation.

πŸ” Sensitive Data Flag

All database fields now have support for a Sensitive Data flag, which dictates whether or not the information being added to this field are shown in your request history.

🀩 UI Updates everywhere!

Our product and design teams continue to upgrade the look, feel, and UX in Xano. In this release, we've introduced:

  • A revamped dashboard, with better visibility into the information you need quickly

  • More clear notifications section to get a quick heads up on open items that might need your attention

  • Easier access to all the Xano resources you need

  • Clearer information all around the platform to introduce you to Xano concepts quickly

  • More readability across the entire product

Misc. Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • When storing sensitive data in Xano (such as environment variables), the field contents are now hidden by default.

  • Fixed an issue where tasks would not execute with history disabled

  • Fixed several Database Trigger related issues

  • Added a 'Copy Schema as Typescript' option to the schema view in a database table

  • Fixed an issue where branches with no changes would show changes existing when merging

  • Added a 'sensitive data' flag in the database that is surfaced when retrieving schema using the Metadata API

  • Fixed an issue where errors would not appear in the Timing Details section of Run & Debug outside of the debugger

  • Fixed an issue where when using the debugger, clicking a response item would open the edit panel instead of advancing the debugger

  • Fixed an issue where database backup restores would sometimes return an 'unknown error'

  • Added a "resize to fit" option for database fields to enable easier readability for smaller fields

  • Fixed an issue where list values could not be modified in the card view

  • Fixed an issue where pasting nested JSON into a database field would fail

We hope you love these updates! Have a feature request? Let us know.

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